Celebrating a Legacy of Balancing Profitability and People

Celebrating a Legacy of Balancing Profitability and People

As we stand at the remarkable milestone of our 25th anniversary, we pause to look back on our journey with deep gratitude and to the future with unbridled anticipation.

In 1998, our journey began modestly in a one-bay shop. At the helm was our founder, Brad Haslem, joined by seven dedicated teammates who shared a vision. From such humble beginnings, through your tireless work and unwavering commitment, BHI has reached incredible heights.

This timeline captures the key milestones we’ve achieved together over the years. This visual journey tells a story of resilience, dedication, and teamwork. It is a story that countless teammates and partners have helped write.

So, here’s to you and to BHI! Here’s to the 25 years that have shaped us and to the many more exciting years ahead. Together, we will continue to build America and write the BHI story.

With deepest gratitude,

Your BHI Team

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There was some point as he grew up that he played with each of his
friends for the very last time, and he had no idea that it would be the last.

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